So on to the good news. Our agency just sent out an email a week or so ago and announced that they are now taking part in the shared list for special needs children from China. So now that I told you all that greek let me explain. The shared list is a private portal where China puts the files of special needs children for certain agencies to look at and find families for. So what does all this mean? It basically comes down to there will be a whole lot more children available for our agency to find children for waiting families. One of the best things is that we can participate now. We don't have to wait to get through review. We have filled out a form telling Bethany what we feel comfortable with as far as special needs. We are hoping to turn that in tomorrow. They then check the portal and when they find a child that matches what we said we would feel comfortable with they lock in that file so no other agency can see it. We then have 48 hours to make a decision. After we say yes, we then have two weeks to have a doctor review the file and let us know their opinion. IF they find something more major or more special needs, we can decline the referral and then the file becomes available for other agencies to see. We then would continue to wait. WE feel pretty confident that the child we are referred the first time will be our child. What this all boils down to is that our referral could come at any time. I have talked to some people whose agencies have been participating with the shared list for a while now and they say their agencies have place two to three times the number of children with this new system. Plus they seem to think that with what we are open to as far as special needs, we could possibly have our referral in FOUR TO EIGHT MONTHS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Lorrie, you might be going to China after all. :). We know that it could take longer but if you'll look at older post, just a couple down you'll see we were talking five to six years----FOUR TO EIGHT MONTHS PEOPLE :) :) :) :) Can you tell we are thrilled??? We are both so excited and have a peace that God will see us through and we'll have our precious one soon.
Also there are rumors that February 07 is out of review which means March 07 is in. We are getting close. I'll admit that as we get closer I get more nervous that something will happen and we will be questioned in review. That could potentially keep us from adopting from China. I keep turning my worries and anxieties over to the Lord and keep asking Him to give me the faith I need to trust He'll see us through. Please continue to be prayer partners with us as we come up on this very important step in our adoption.
Oh and China made it to January 25, 2006. SO not very far. As you all know the Olympics is in less than two weeks and then we'll just wait and see how the wait goes from there.
Love you all.