Friday, April 17, 2009

Going back to work

Well the day has come for me to go back to work and I'm very sad. I don't want to go back. I'm having so much fun with Anna watching her learn and grow everyday and blossoming into such a wonderful, sweet little girl. God has truly blessed us beyond what we could ever have imagined. I have truly enjoyed the time I have had home with her. The good thing is I only have a few weeks till summer break and then I'll get to be home again. Please pray for me and for Anna and for Scott as we go through this adjustment. Our dear friend Cassandra is watching Anna so I have absolutely no worries. She is going to be in great hands. I'm just sad and will miss her while I'm at work. Enjoy the pictures from the park. Scott and Anna and I went the other day. She is getting more brave with the swing. She didn't like it up until the other day when we went. Anna and I met some ladies from church and their children and went to another park today. This one has sand. Anna has been once and she really didn't care for sand at all. That has changed. Today she saw Brayson digging in the sand and she went right over there and joined in. She had a ball. She was upset with me when I told her it was time to leave. She was having so much fun. I'm so proud of my little girl for trying new things and growing so much. One other sweet thing. This morning before we went to the park, I was crying because of having to go back to work and leaving Anna. I was holding/hugging Anna and she started to wipe the tears off my face. She has such a sweet heart. We're blessed.


Brandi said...

Awww! That is so sweet that Anna wiped away your tears. I know the feeling about going back to work. I did it after Maddie was 15 months old!! It was so hard. At least you only have to do it for a couple of weeks. It will go by so fast. Anna is such a cutie. You and Scott have been truly blessed!!

MommaAsh said...

Please know I will be especially praying for you on Monday! I have a big heart for mommies who have to work but want to be home with their kiddos! I am so happy though that in time you will be able to stay home with her and future babies LOL :)