I have to apologize again for lacking with the blogging thing. I do stay busy with Anna but I don't know I guess I've gotten into a rut and didn't have too much to say. But as we are coming into Spring a time of new beginnings, I do believe we are coming into some new beginnings of our own.
I have just a few more weeks left at the daycare and I'm ready to move on. It has allowed me extra time with Anna and for that I'm thankful but I will not miss "being in charge" and the chaos that follows that. I am hoping to return to teaching and that way I'll be on the same schedule as Anna who will be starting school in a few short months. So that is new beginning number one.
The second is like I just mentioned---Anna will be in kindergarten. I cannot believe it. We just celebrated 3 years home with Anna and I truly don't know where the time has gone. It has been the quickest 3 years of my life. I have taught for a number of years and I always thought it was silly when parents cried because their child started school, but now that it is my turn--Yep I'm going to be one of those mommas. We register Anna for kindergarten in just a week and I'll be doing good if I don't shed a few tears just registering her. So new beginning number two.
Finally, new beginning number 3 is a big one. One I have been ready for since we got Anna. One that the Lord is just now bringing Scott around to. One that will change our lives for ever in the sweetest way. I don't have the freedom to share just yet but anyone who knows me can easily guess what that is. AND I'M EXCITED. God has some big obstacles to overcome for this new beginning to happen but our God is a God of new beginnings and he is confirming in both of our lives that this new beginning will happen. He is also already working on removing some of the obstacles that stand in the way. I'm so excited to see Him do this and to see Him be glorified once again in such an amazing way.
So I ask for your prayers as we move into this "new beginning" stage of our journey. Please pray that God blesses me with the right job for me where I can make a difference for Him. Please pray for Anna's adjustment to school. For her to be in a classroom where the teacher loves Anna and is able to make her first year of "big" school a great success. Please pray that Anna will have the self control to flourish and learn all that she needs to. Finally please pray for our 3rd (second :) hehe) new beginning. Please pray that God will move all the big obstacles that are in the way right now. Please pray God will lead us to the "blessing" he has for us. Please pray for peace and guidance and perseverance and strength and finances and stamina and patience as we begin this 3rd new beginning in the journey God has ordained for us.
Thank you for your prayers and thank you to those of you that still check the blog even though I'm not very good about keeping up with it.